Semester 2 Final

One of my favorite projects was the infographic project, for the infographic project we did it based around a fictional concert and my concert was named "Jah Con" after Jahseh Onfroy. The project took around 1 week to complete. I faced challenges tracing the image for Jahseh. I learned a lot of new skills with the pen tool on illustrator. I did not receive any feedback on this project. I changed a lot when it came to the final poster and the overall style of it, I originally didn't plan on setting an image to the background of the poster. Overall I think I did a decent job on the poster, but if I took some more time on the project I could've ended up with a better result.

Another one of my favorite projects we completed this second semester is the Vector illustrated portrait. The project took around 1 week to fully complete. I faced some challenges getting the grid set up to fully pologonize the piece. I gained a lot of experience with the pen tool by completing this project. I gained some feed back on the overall style and colors of the piece, I made many changes trying to keep some contrast between certain areas of the piece. I originally planned to no do the polygon style of portrait, but I decided against it and I am satisfied with the final result.

My last favorite project we did for the 2nd semester was the logo designs branding portion. The project took around 1 week to fully sketch and draw up on illustrator. I faced some challenges incorporating several colors into my design. I learned some new skills and strategies for completing certain tasks like rounding path corners etc. I made a lot of changes to my original idea, I changed the color scheme and overall shape of the original design. I took a lot of feedback on the overall color scheme of the design and ended up with a lavender sky-blue gradient for the design. This was my favorite project this semester because we had near full creative freedom when it came to the design and route we took.

I don't think I used my time super well this semester, I wasn't able to stay super productive when I was finished in terms of graphic design, I was more focused on completing web design work because that is my current focus/passion. I do research ways to improve my technical skills on my own time so I can complete certain tasks in the future. I haven't done too much critiquing on my projects besides the logo project because my motivation has been pretty low for other projects. I spent a lot of time out of class on web related stuff and a little bit of time at home with illustrator.

My skills/strengths as an e-communication student would consist of strong skills when it came to coding/logic and as for design I would say I'm mediocre, I'm really into flat-design and that is mostly what I'm good at, I'm working on my skills to expand when it comes to what I feel comfortable completing illustrator wise. I also feel I'm very strong in video even though I'm not taking that strand this year, I complete a lot of video editing projects outside of school but using a different program.

I feel I could improve my attitude and work ethic towards certain projects I'm given in e-comm. I feel I need to improve my collaboration skills, as for innovation I'm fine, I love problem solving and finding another solution. Overall I feel pretty well rounded in the 5 guarantees.

Concluding this semester of e-comm I learned a lot this semester of graphic design and feel a lot more confident in illustrator and photoshop then I did before. An area with the most improvement would probably be the pen tool. If I were able to change a portion of this class I would change the projects that we do, not that they're not useful or help improve our skills, I think that if they were all somehow personalized or allowed more creative freedom it would allow for more motivation from the student to finish and do a good job, an example for me is the logo project, I had a lot of fun doing that because I got to choose what I wanted to do and ended up liking the final result. A final goal I would like to set for myself is to become a more rounded student when it comes to e-comm and other classes in general. Overall I think this year was crucial to my success in e-comm and I learned a lot of essential skills that can be used in many ways.


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